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_isabelatorres: SE FUDEU, BIEBER (@guihbachir live on http://twitcam.com/516gm)
OhMyXtina: Photo: ohlizgillies: http://tumblr.com/xgs2onl6ao
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alinicolejordan: @amberlynnkowing don't hate on bieber
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teer96: @danieltosh Mr. Chow on rollerblades.
Lunamolusco: sei sei (@gabsmartinez live on http://twitcam.com/516jv)
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Antonio_1965: @LaceySchmitzer1 http://on.fb.me/kY4siT
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iimFASHiON4wrd: Bennie and ii sitting on the porch
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radio_inside: Jetzt ON AIR: 'Maybe' by 'Jason Glover'
UFeelin_Blu: @zhenguiM watz goin on.!?
fcbsdese: un slaudo MACKKIIE (@leamitie live on http://twitcam.com/516o4)
GETDOWNORDIE: Bangerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. http://fb.me/FSJXD0Ie
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