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okaychristine: Umm @leahschlueter is hot
Billy_Danger: RT @LiviVuitton: Rob Schneider is a fool
emmaagustinaPB: RT @Ruben_BiebeRise: @pattonotlivio @pattonotlivio @pattonotlivio is the BEST BEST BEST !!
LO__OKitsjori: @Kim_YouHandleIt mine is the 22nd :)
AmandaRESmith: Christie Atchison is my best friend!
JDBwifeyy: Its not Jelena, neither Jiley, nor Jeliebers, its Jaitlin shawties! (;
dellaabr: Oh dia kangen gueRT @shofiealya: Lupiko @naufallupiko RT dellaabr: 12:12? L? L??? Who is L?????
tim1998bkr: jezus niemand is wakker
MalayNay: my niggaboo @_AmazeeChulaa is sick ? awwh iHope shee feels better #NoBueno ;/
totalverueckt: Rugby Knockout - Autsch...das war heftig.
Merrybummie: Terlalu Lama by Vierra is inspiriting :]
MiSsGiGGLesXD: I'm not wierd cuz im awesome, I'm awesome becuz im wierd :D
WhyPR: RT @NeRdArMy: big up @itspacdiv
charmer607: Is weird :-)
michiymoreno: This stuff is Sick . !
tattedupcashcow: @Damian_Mason smh them niggaz is ill
x_SuckaPunch: RT @prettyboiblood: flirting is cheating's best friend.
DinoiiBieber: RT @INDOTeamBieber: Winner #GTS5 is @DinoiiBieber GO FOLLOW NOW! :)
answer: Pick me :)
multi2pmlover: Im not hungry im not hungry Im not hungry Im not hungry Im not hungry.
DinoiiBieber: Yeaaaaah \m/ RT @INDOTeambieber: Winner #GTS5 is @DinoiiBieber GO FOLLOW NOW! :) answer: Pick me :)
marketaknoodsy: Maritim Hotel Kiel war auch schon Drehort von einem #Tatort. (Jörn Allers Jerry B. Anderson tweet) #Ostsee #Hotel
xxfayforeverxx: thebenchletters:
DaStoningMonkey: Lmao all I can hear is wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub...
georgiaaaam: @Parhammmm is fine! Get at him girls ;).
MarinaAnnex3: lmao. Jon is so weird.
eevee_g: Mmm mmm mm j paul is schmexy
Schimmelfrei: Gesund wohnen, Schimmelpilz vermeiden
AbsteriaL: Bird is the word! #familyguy
sfh3829: @drchiruko Oh…sorry,I'm not understund Japanese.
AlienLasers: Angie is so cute.
Sergiomoesa: RT @milasupit: Soixant neuf is c3wl
dindaeris: @rennerchen telp CS-nya ner, langsung difollow up kok
PINKMunyBARBIE: @TeamMinajKENZ whats up babez
Belieber_Bell: RT @YO_Biiebeeer: Life is unfair :/
IVdiane: yyyeyeyyy BARCA is the winner..
Cait_Louise: @ayyGenn Is so pretty(:
the_BP2: @Alexdrummerboy is that Jeezy mixtape better than trap or die 2??
gitawidyasari: @justinbieber tommorow is @jazmynbieberr birthday.... :D
xJelenaFacts: Justin Bieber is hot. Nick Jonas is not. #BieberFact #JelenaFact
Its_Briaaah: @JETZ_SON y Is ur mother sick or dead?
yoshi_ah_mess: im not a drug dealer ...kush aint drugs nigga
Caretaylor27: @DamienHawks cheer me up....?
valeriabulozp: AsdfghjklRT @Danielagech: Is writing a message...
alyweigel: @tylerwilliams_ is flaming.
sc929: @KeithOlbermann EINHORN IS A MAN!!
maryeskman: ellie is so damn raw
JAKE_FFOE: RT @swipedeeznutzzz: The biddies is ouuuutttttttt!!!!
briannajf: @justinbieber is truly an inspiration
MBE_BiQwAr: @MacMiller wat is it chu doin
SMS_Sprueche: Konrad Adenauer Herr Professor Erhard, nehmen wir doch vier D-Mark für einen Dollar. Dat is ne runde Zahl, dat sich ...
calebtmoglia: @justinbieber is not gay!!
LiviVuitton: Rob Schneider is a fool
swipedeeznutzzz: The biddies is ouuuutttttttt!!!!
aahanverma007: @TeamMileyNY @MileysMofo @MileyCyrus ur lyrics is always awesoum
BubbaRayK: RT @TrendsDetroit: #churchpickuplines is now trending in #Detroit
testforum13: Wieso zittert mein Körper? - Sicher stehst Du einem großen Hund gegenüber und hast Angst.
War ein Scherz !
lindseyevans_: @KeiziaDior_ im not pisseddd!
HuggableSel: @fakebiebuh maybe maybe not
PakReds: All is forgiven Masch! :)
ambrigail: @kashdanielsxo hehe yam yam is the nickname for my bfs dog, Bambi
iPinchBieber: #bieberfact @justinbieber favorite book is the Bible :)
calebtmoglia: @justinbieber is funny
AinulKhairina: @nattynittynat Um, not him. HIM. Or shall I mention him here?
amoesiete: @SLICK_DISSIZIT Y wut up G?
Karrasmatic: RT @leestarr4: RT @somsenite: Hi my name is matt fritsche
iSwaggSoAmazing: @asnkris10 Lls, Dan is the Man
WatUpAustiin: Gabe is on one
TrendsDetroit: #churchpickuplines is now trending in #Detroit
just_eduardo: @kennysays Wya!!!! Turn up chicken man
VDeezyyyy: @chelsmarrr hahaha your mom is da best :)
jasonli: RT @msittig: NYU in Shanghai is hiring! - Umich Center for Chinese Studies
calebtmoglia: @justinbieber is awesome
marketaknoodsy: Nina ist die schönste Zoofachverkäuferin in Kiel. Deshalb gab es ein Liebeslied von Jörn Allers Jerry B. Anderson ♫ ♫
alliegibbs: O mitch is being dr Phil
kulturzwitscher: Gerade @pyzpyz zu Kunst & Kultur - postet Euer Feedback dazu hier: Danke! #kulturzwitscher
ShutUpBxchFolow: RT @xoxo_LadyA: DJ Diamond Kutz is going inn
ashcash_marie: wtf is my best friend @Dejaie_2Legit
MeLicksYou: @martinsitoy @nyorken @MichaelTesch @chadmanzo showing na ba? =D
isimplyadoreu: RT @PrettyboiBlood: flirting is cheating's best friend.
starstruckk77: Soo @justinbieber is pretty cool.#legit
babyging21: @gabeblackbelt is hater<3 ;) #fag
NeachiePeaches: @MrKleenex Not a big chicken fan.
thickslab: Life is punishment.
ebony109: justin bieber is soooo cute
marketaknoodsy: Jörn Allers aus Kiel (Jerry B. Anderson) mit der Original Tape Demo von Laboe Lebt ♫ ♫ #Popmusic #Pop #Kiel #Musik
gissellee_: Haha @_kenzieee is getting her ass kicked!
msbodybangin: RT @Quisha_Baybe: Liquor is my best friend!!!
azizmbongkit: RT @prettyboiblood: flirting is cheating's best friend.
adhellakrisna: einem sehr niedrigen Niveau von Bewusstsein, kann nicht als ein Mann geltend gemacht werden . i'm not lucky with u
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