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ifa_fadhilah: SMILE and SPIRIT!!!!!
BieberMeansHope: kidrauhlschwag: http://tumblr.com/xry2qhzx76
TweetLikeLeak: #NP ballin - young jeezy and @LilTunechi
brittchip_: Wow jenn and Celene are dee best
vvalka13: Flame and her cookie http://instagr.am/p/E3rBL/
kaylenebbe14: @bradies_spider aw I wish @Justinbieber and @AustinMahone #Followed me :(
BieberGagaa: @Nessa5678 Yeah bieber_dynamite and jessalbrt
HowDoWeFeel: RT @iGeo I feeel pretty, oh so pretty, i feel pretty, and witty, and gayyyyyyyyy
nurysmne: thanks ;) RT @ItsJBieberCrews The winners for #ana1 »» @biebeeeerrr and @nurysmne check DM! -L
Lelemamaxoxo31: Chicken sandwich and fries from Wendy's
wlevon1: Bed and Breakfasts in #Detroit Michigan http://t.co/Np4cRvQ
emo_cuteangel: WOW!!CUTE NI ALBIE AND DIEGO.
HirshelTzig: @LipaSchmeltzer http://twitpic.com/52dujy - http://theantitzemach.blogspot.com/2011/05/why-lipa-gains-fans-and-rebbes-lose.html
Taitoverkko: Christien Meinderstma and her giant knitting http://t.co/HXsR3EL
StepOonMee: @karlahhniguhh yeah and and movie (:
freeshopperads: Light Beige Washer and Dryer (Cheyenne) - $400 http://tinyurl.com/3hszrh8
freeshopperads: Fridge, Wahser and Dryer (Cheyenne) - $300 http://tinyurl.com/3t7fch3
KillingEvilShit: It's Fleck, Squelch and Gangle! ^.^
tirz97: @glitterbabyblbd and im all smiley now! :D
xAmazedCyrus: RT @xorangeunicornz: STEFANIE AND I ARE SO ORANGE. :DD
Xooyoo: @tokoe Ach komm es gibt schlimmere Läuferfrühstücke, stell dir mal Ham and Eggs jetzt vor ;-)
AmorAzul145: @DENiEL3 and bring my baby dammit lol :)
itsmealjane09: CHRISTIAN AND DERRICK!!!! Gwapo nyo
AnAngelNamedCas: sarahpaff: http://tumblr.com/x3v2qhy5zt
ashliiibieber: Derrick and Christian on ASAP djsgna;genglernglietngetngegiwl;gntwligbtwi
SuzakuDarryyk: Christmas in Legend and Story: http://amzn.to/l0p7bi
mz_tete03: Me so hungry and im getting sick
YourPocketLint: Photo: swaglikechriscolfer: yes omg http://tumblr.com/xpi2qhy12k
ArielPrzCandlr: RT @AngeLFuertes: #Rn - Msn And twitter
ItsJBieberCrews: The winners for #ana1 »» @biebeeeerrr and @nurysmne check DM! -L
melisaOV: "RT @jeanisstt: @ CHURCH GBI TAMSIR w/ @angellicaong and @melisaOV"
CallMe_Francois: Trolls and rainbows!!! Lmbo
elsonpelias: Fresh and Inspiring Illustration Designs http://bit.ly/iNBSE2
charlenejudith: @deRRick_Sim And then, die after that.
_LovePAIGE: @_ImaWinner , aww man . im glad he oky . hows amber and her mom
Hey_Noodle: @ChrisCrocker Hiding in estrogen and wearing Aubergine Dreams
vivianita2790: Kurt Vonnegut! And then mimis.
joe_viito: ...and im singgleee
OnyxJones_: #np @Wale and @MacMiller - So What
SoPlushModeling: Watching Dick and Jane...
gabrielfelix_: live and let die.
SmokeeRobinson4: @GefahrlicheHerz nahhh I'm wit Elvis and my sons
IMishaTaySwift: @littelswiftie13 And SwiftDreams Sweetie
courtney2711: And smell weird
itsnataliex18: RT @aberdeenf: we're drifting apart and it kills me.
tranellybelli: Chicken Enchiladas w. Green Sauce and Salad for dinner !
MaiOohMy: KOI for dinner w/@ttmichelle21 and @legzz4dayz! :-)
KissMy_Twips: RT @_CheyNic: Damian and Britt (: http://t.co/uh5TrfC
misschelseamae: "No, cos see, Queen's song goes dun-dun-dun-dun-dundun-dundun, and my song goes dun-dun-dun-dun-dundun-dundun-chi!"
ws_kreativ: XHTML, CSS, ein bisschen PHP und vor allem Brain 2.0
kageman: Ladies and Gentlemen, presenting Daft Punk with sick beats: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9QAPG6uOmY&NR=1
paz2336: @justinbieber YouSmileIsraelSmile
Follow me and I smile
dzaaaSFR: "Smile smile and keep smile ! Cheers" http://tumblr.com/xzb2qhvget
fathi198429: @LilyDalglishself defense for children and families: http://bit.ly/lv2E2G
fathi198429: @KellyStrucKKself defense for children and families: http://bit.ly/lv2E2G
fathi198429: @hayahnessself defense for children and families: http://bit.ly/lv2E2G
wondersanjoe: @NiaNidie still hang o and muless... Nunggu friendly sun :)
shifablqs: RT @masihabduh RT @keissaasa: RT @sandriladenaya: #junewish iPod iPad Fixie Slr MacBook and You will be mine!
lexiifosters2: Me and @MaryanneSBHxo DIDN'T DIE ... YET
tabithakaye: @jessicapopp and @nicmeetsworld! http://lockerz.com/s/105774202
ReverieArlejt: Wannabe: Gangs in Suburbs and Schools: http://amzn.to/lcfYak
melendezcarlo10: roast chicken and veggies!
xmas_past: Vegemite and Four Cheese http://bit.ly/j5PRGy
Rachels_Puck: @BroadwayRachelB *grins and kisses her*
marilynn_17: @Karinabrigette and me?!
EyeAmShann: Cobalt bed for me and chomzie! :) http://yfrog.com/h4ubjhlj
LunaCalista: #np: Kiss and Tell (Justin Bieber)
cassisalo: With jamis, natalie, chris, ryan, kurtis, jenna, and jessica! Yup (:
sarahnathania: RT @graceajengg: RT @ditalksy: RT @justinbieber: and dont worry ladies.... IM STILL SINGLE ;)
kaylala_XOXO: @_xoxogennn yes and pool parties :)
KeeraMcD_: Tre, Veill, Moo Moo, And Lexis Is Here..
U_hvNoIdeA: Me and the homie nicki http://moby.to/hdla57
dj_die: Watching Law and Order: SVU.
ECTHEGREATEST: 38 and German church hml
daniimonroe: weshipdramione: http://tumblr.com/xod2qhtzq7
RichWilson20: Chillin wit mi bros Chris and Brannon
socrazyforbiebs: Photo: shawtyofbieber: http://tumblr.com/x8t2qhtue7
sonicuniverse: ♬ Jah Wobble And Bill Laswell - Subcode ♬ http://soma.fm/sonicuniverse #nowplaying
sunshiner024: banoffeepie: http://tumblr.com/x2n2qhtmyk
Is_u_pre_me: @SHAYdiqqy 177 and st. Nick. Dale pa qua.
_JMalik: @JenPeters @DE_GraysonHunt *Watches and listens in horror*
shalenewynn: Ottfried Fischer : OTTO and DIE HEIMATLOSEN - Weimar - 28.05.2011 - Regiomusik das Musikportal http://uxp.in/36622950
LockedOnBieber: wwiii im so hyperd and its 1:08 am :) ahahha
DanielX64: RT @littelswiftie13: ✔Professional Bathroom Singer and random school singer <13
_diana_nicole: Hall and Oats
vantaskigoli: @Failgunner Word. Let's get drunk and watch?
_MsTerriBaby: RT @HighWhiteSocks: Taylor gang and die
littelswiftie13: ✔Professional Bathroom Singer and random school singer <13
JadeTweetedThat: Nick a fool ! Callin me and Tre , Ken and Barbie then Will and Jada . Over here #Rollin
Daniela2302: dirtyworker: http://tumblr.com/xie2qhsnk4
mamabear2679: @Dickensnyc And then?
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