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CoventryWire: Nuneaton woman organises fire-walk challenge for MS Tru... -
AmirValentine: No school for me ^__^
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nuetiie: @Bam_baramie Don't forget eat for dinner
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An_Driene17: No school for me!
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CanthaveNICK: @nickjonas @MileyCyrus i'll keep waiting for NILEY!
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alechespinosa: waiting for dinner
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meinemeinung: Siesta Key Beach in Sarasota ist bester Strand der U.S.A.: Siesta Key Beach auf der Insel Siesta Key, die der Stadt ...
NewsRedaktion: Siesta Key Beach in Sarasota ist bester Strand der U.S.A.: Siesta Key Beach auf der Insel Siesta Key, die der Stadt ...
MotherrrGoose: Bangus Sisig for Dinner :)
kidrauhlGIRL_: justinbieberismyinspiration:
Follow_the_G: Coole Idee: Wenn der Film zu scheiße ist, um ihn loszuwerden, legt man eben etwas Nettes bei ;)
Fredelsloh: Wenn jetzt wenigstens L.A. Noire angekommen wäre, hätte es meinen Tag halbwegs retten können. Argh...
klishmer: RT @billfosterson: Weird Advertisements for Mom
TwitRides: A different (Mercedes Benz) World… via @singletrackmag
DavidWallace94: RT @Nickyb720: @shane_fergie Grow a set and ring Nigel #gawa
Marketbringer: Was tun wenn das Internet voll ist? - CDU gibt Antworten #faaaaaail
Eloveuscb: @nicky_nicky18 well stay on twitter for pics ;)
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MrsGene_Hunt: Chicken and swiss cheese for lunch. Yum!
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If and when there is a united states court concrete threat of enforcement against Bernstein for a specific activity, Bernstein may return for constitutionality judicial resolution of bernstein that dispute,'' Patel wrote, after citing Coppolino's ``repeated assurances that Bernstein is not prohibited from university of illinois at chicago engaging in court case his activities
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