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annakarenine: @M_E smells sooooo good. dans ta face, le tabac!
isDuckinyou: Feels hella good outside
DarbsenWtf: @AllTimeLaura__ Good
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wondergirlfan: @uchix_francois good luck! xD kkk
davisondaniel: Acha bom neah RT @r_amandha kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk RT @davisondaniel Good Afternoon
rcpalmerii: @PattiMomBrain LMAO! Good boy!
imantaufik: Ba gk? RT @dede_rully: Good sign?badsign?or ra sign (rasain)?RT @imantaufik: Ahahaha! Apee! :D RT (cont)
Jaroodi: @guilhermet2 good luck
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_KingAries: #np Hella Good x No Doubt
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raulito24: @WePraiseBeyonce good luck!
Tilda_OFWGKTA: @JimmyCapoJones good morning (:
HoodCertified: @Alyssa_Jolie good morning.
S_U_3: 加油!RT @marinx666 Good Vibes at International Radio Festival!! TUNE IN!! インターナショナル・ラジオ・フェス、かなりいい感じ!Just met Chr… (cont)
Marksalling00: Good luck @bridales and @haileebcyrus :)
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LiviyarMay1D: @1DFamilyXx good stuff (y) x
Bills_Sexyness: @billsgalaxy Im good too *smiles*
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ChloeeeeeeK: @clairemellows good nite CLAIREEEEE! ;D
ShAyDii: RT @Dez_DaDude: Fracture is a good movie
NastNia: @nadiraquamila @jullyhend good job, banget.. Saluuuut u,u
riyadibar: (^□^)八(^□^) RT @ririsputriP: (" `з´)_,/*(x,☉")RT @riyadibar: ERTE @ririsputriP: RT @riyadibar: Very good :D RT (cont)
themagqueen: =.= i just broke a lamp... Good job maggie!
J_D_Bieberlove: @JuiletBieber GOOD!
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Jaymee_Summers: @xharleyharrisx @xlanamiller @james_cee good plan! im with Harley!
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OnlyCarlitos: Good Morning @ChrisDontQuits , @_RickyNERD , & @ScreamYvette <3"
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ririsputriP: (" `з´)_,/*(x,☉")RT @riyadibar: ERTE @ririsputriP: RT @riyadibar: Very good :D RT @ririsputriP: Haha good :)R (cont)
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riyadibar: ERTE @ririsputriP: RT @riyadibar: Very good :D RT @ririsputriP: Haha good :)RT @riyadibar: Apalo?wkwk (cont)
jamieliveshere: Good morning Vancouver! #gocaucksgo
esperapai: RT @bandacine: vai rolar essa em Aracaju :D RT “@nina_luiza: @bandacine everybodyyyyy just have a good time...”
LCDC305: @PrimaiBlog126 LOVE Mariah. Good choice lamb ;)
r_amandha: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk RT @davisondaniel Good Afternoon
_Nicosmos: Mozilla lance un concours de démos par mois. Pour juin : CSS Animations. Je commence à chercher des idées...
deyaak: Mmuaah ƪ(˘⌣˘)Ʃ RT @dstyaprlia: eheeeey mkasi deaaak! :D mmuaah RT @deyaak: Good luck kak desti :D hehe RT (cont)
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